MSA Architecture Portfolio

 Manchester School of Architecture Statement

Manchester School of Architecture is a collaboration between the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University. If accepted, I will have the resources I need to develop my creative designs which include materials, workshops, and libraries. Furthermore, as MSA is known for its engagement in sustainability as it has been committed to promoting sustainable design, sustainable architecture is a matter that I, an aspiring architect, am intrigued by and a challenge I am prepared to take on.

Louvre Abu Dhabi is one of the most recent architectural wonders I visited, designed by the architect Jean Nouvel.  The focal point of the building is the enormous geometric dome where sun ray passes through its perforations, creating a flood of dappled light throughout the museum. Although I'm fond of the museum's design and the display of modern Arabic architecture, I do have some criticism. The dome is a piece of art itself that is worth seeing, but it does literally overshadow the art in the museum. As the light dappled in the museum is dappled in the art. The best lighting is crucial in museums so visitors can vividly see objects in the best condition possible. Instead, I had to change positions to see the paintings as light and shadows were getting in the way of my experience.

Due to his unique design style and unwavering commitment towards sustainable architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright is undoubtedly one of my favorite figures in architecture. A key feature that distinguished him from other architects was his use of natural materials that aligned perfectly with the surrounding environment—an approach evident in all his designs. Furthermore he demonstrated great foresight by incorporating passive solar heating and cooling systems into structures long before it became a trend within the industry. His masterpiece—the Fallingwater house—remains a hallmark example showcasing how an architect can merge a building flawlessly into its surroundings while maintaining optimal energy efficiency standards. In the end Wrights contributions to sustainable architecture continue to inspire architects like myself today.

I wish to visit Villa Capra in Vicenza Italy one day as it is one of the first buildings I studied, and the first Architectural book I read, “Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism” studies. I wish to enter the building and see the four matching porticos adorned by columns accompanied by pediments cascading down from a circular central hall reminiscent of ancient Roman structures like those seen at the Pantheon. This building reflects an inspiration drawn from classical antiquity itself! Rising above is an exceptionally striking dome magnifying its connection to Rome further. Maintaining consistent mathematical ratios and geometric shapes allows this structure to showcase symmetry and proportionality within its design.

"Dead or alive?"

 The digital drawing answers a question a friend once asked, “If you were to meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?”. The answer is my Grandpa, who passed away when my dad was a teenager. When he was only nine years old, he moved to Saudi Arabia with his little brother with nothing. He worked day and night to shape a future for himself and his family. As a kid, I used to sneak into his study room when my grandma was not around, seeing all the books in his collection, assuming he must be quite educated. Now that I am older, my dad told me although he is quite an intellectual person he never went to college due to his financial situation. He managed to build a future from nothing and work in the Ministry of Defense with only his high-school diploma. He reminds me daily to work hard and pursue what I love the most, Architecture.  


When I knew that I would move to the other side of the globe, as happy as I was, I was also scared because, for the past 17 years, my little sister (Alya) and I had been inseparable. We had joint birthday parties even though our birthdays were two months apart. Despite how happy she was for me, I knew she was also scared but terribly hid it. So, I made this piece of my design as a birthday present for her, reassuring her that no matter how far we are, we will always be close at heart. 

"Doge's Palace" 

I made this sketch while taking the online course, "The Architectural Imagination" by HarvardX (note this was not part of the coursework) to better understand the fundamentals and characteristics of Renaissance, Gothic, and Moorish Architecture before getting in-depth with the course. 

"Outside world"

A drawing I made during quarantine in 2020 expresses a familiar feeling to most people. The closest we are to the outside world is the windows in our homes. However, people who use this time to their benefit will grow like the flowers that surround the window.

"Jeddah I"

Although I am from Riyadh, I had always considered Jeddah my second home as my mom grew up there, and the Jeddah region was where my grandfather (dad's side) went when he first moved to Saudi Arabia before moving to Riyadh. This piece contributes to Jeddah's beauty, mimicking the red sea's coral texture. The red sea is one of Jeddah's most prominent features. 

"Jeddah II"


This piece further contributes to Jeddah's beauty, where I added features that make Jeddah exquisite to me. I started to sketch Jeddah Al Balad, the historical area of Jeddah, and my favorite place in Jeddah. Then I decided to make this artwork more dimensional. Hence, on a piece of wood, I shaped paper-based clay and placed it on the piece of wood. Next, I used a mix of watercolors and acrylic paint to color my piece. Lastly, after everything dried, I sprayed it with a transparent fixative spray to set everything in place and give the piece a glazed finish.

"Heritage and Contemporary Meet"

I took a course at school on Islamic Arts, during which we were asked to make a piece using traditional techniques. I started by planning the design, in which I decided to combine the traditional works and handicrafts of leather, wicker, and beading. Then I started cutting an old wicker fan in our house damaged from palm fronds and cutting remnants of traditional cloth and fabric. I used leather molding techniques taught at school, cutting out, adding, and coloring; I have laid them on slices of wood, which I have engraved and colored to give the wood a natural look. The concept behind my piece is using traditional techniques to create contemporary art.


This piece is sentimental to me not only because of its meaning but it is my first sculpture where I was introduced to the various techniques used. Through this piece, I used the method I use the most now. I designed my sculpture using old paper found at home, securing it with a wire, then started to shape the paper-based clay around it. This piece portrays an idea I adamantly believe in; listening to gossip and propaganda is what makes a person decay. While the enormous ear symbolizes the amount a person might be unconsciously listening to, the different colored clay at the bottom indicates the process of decay.


Through an old painting, I was able to create a new one. I cut out the face I painted, then started to base another canvas using gesso; before it dried, I placed the cutout face on it and made the 3D lines utilizing a scraper. After it dried, I altered the face to my liking. 


I drew this drawing of my mom from my perspective to show her how appealing I perceive her. I started to line out this drawing using a 2H pencil, then started to shade and color using watercolor and watercolor pencils. 

"Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center"

I sketched using an HB pencil one of Zaha Hadid's most famous buildings, "Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center," which represents a flowing shape that develops from the wrapping of various centre functions and the folding of the natural terrain of the landscape.

"Coffee and Dates"

As part of my culture and religion as Muslims, we start by breaking our fast with dates and Arabic coffee, two things I am not fond of. But living on a different continent, I have found myself craving them daily, which is unusual for me. Since I couldn't have them, I decided to draw them digitally. 
